Information Toolkit

Key Services Needed By Immigrants & Refugees In Ghana


The movement of people and migrants are vital to humanity’s progress, diversity and resilience. However, in various regions of the world, the instrumentalization of migration by Politicians and corporate interest has led to marginalization and stereotyping – ‘othering’ of migrants resulting in limited access to fundamental rights and essential services. This has also led to violations of the human rights of migrants.

In Ghana, migrants face an additional challenge of limited access to reliable information. As reported by migrants, this challenge has led to denied access to public services that are supposed to be universally accessible. For instance, some migrants are unaware that basic education is free and mandatory for every child living in Ghana, regardless of citizenship. As a result, they are unable to enroll their children in school, highlighting the need for improved information dissemination to ensure migrants’ inclusion in the Ghanaian society.

This information toolkit is an initiative of the Migration for Development and Equality (MIDEC) work package on Migrant Mobilization and Solidarity alongside the Migration Advocacy Centre Ghana (MAC). It provides information and addresses on services such immigration, healthcare, education, social welfare, social support etc.

A bulk of the services are based in Accra, however where necessary the addresses of corresponding offices in regions have also been provided.

Purpose of the Toolkit

This toolkit has been developed to aid in alleviating the challenges migrants encounter when seeking access to essential services in Ghana. By providing comprehensive information, we aim to bridge the gap and facilitate easier access to these fundamental services, ultimately improving the lives of migrants.

1. Immigration Services

One major challenge most migrant’s face is lack of access to information on immigration processes related to entry, residence, employment and establishment. This information gap worsens their challenges when they attempt to further integrate into the Ghanaian society including obtaining Ghanaian citizenship. The Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) is the nation’s mandated agency to ensure the effective administration and management of migration in the country as well as to contribute to national security. By this mandate, the GIS performs various functions including managing the country’s borders, examining travel documents of people entering and leaving the country and issuing visas and permits to migrants entering Ghana and seeking to extend their stay in Ghana than initially obtained or permitted under bilateral or multilateral agreements. On entry at the border or port;
  1. All migrants, once they arrive at the authorized point of entry, are required to present themselves to an Immigration Officer. If they arrived via unauthorized points of entry, they are to present themselves to the nearest Immigration post within 48 hours in order to be processed. They are to submit their travel documents and ID to facilitate their processing.
  2. According to law of Ghana, if this process is not followed a person is liable on summary conviction to a fine and/or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months.
  3. Upon arrival at the point of entry, an Immigration Officer may grant a specific duration of stay to the migrant, typically ranging between 1 to 90 days.
  4. The law in Ghana requires a person to adhere to the duration of stay granted at the port of entry.
  5. Migrants may apply for an extension of up to 5 months, inclusive of the initial days granted. This requires following the visa extension application procedures, which may be approved or denied based on the purpose of the extension.
  6. Under the law of Ghana, failure to obtain a visa extension and overstaying the granted duration renders an individual irregular. This incurs monthly penalties for non-compliance.
NB: A migrant intending to stay in Ghana for more than 90 days is required by law to acquire a Non-Citizenship ID card (refer to Non-Citizenship ID card for more details). 6 months plus Permits. Following the repeal of the 90-day rule, citizens of ECOWAS member states can stay in Ghana without limits on duration. However, the Ghana Immigration Service still observes the 90-day stay rule with the option of extension. It is advisable to immediately begin the process of obtaining residency if one intends to stay longer than three months or the approved length of time at entry into the country. The type of visa or permit required in Ghana depends on the purpose of stay. Various purposes include:
    • Economic (formal work, entrepreneurship, volunteering)
    • Studies
    • Tourism
    • Medical care
    • Family and marriage
For economic purposes, there are two types of permits:
    • Short Term Work and Residence Permits (up to 6 months)
    • Standard Work and Residence Permit (up to a year or more renewable annually). Note that repeat applicants may be eligible for 3-5 years permits.
To qualify under this category, applicants must either own a company or have a prospective employer(s) sponsor their application, as mandated by law. This sponsorship must be confirmed through a formal letter of support, which will be scrutinized by the relevant authorities during the application process. Permit for Economic Purposes For economic purposes such as entrepreneurship or self-employment, there are two types of permits available.
    • Short Term Work and Residence Permits, which allow individuals to work for up to 6 months.
    • Standard Work and Residence Permits, which enables individuals to work for a year or more and can be renewed annually.
To qualify for these permits, applications must register a company or obtain shares in a registered company, rather than relying on sponsorship from a prospective employer. Note that applicants must consult the Registrar General’s Department to determine the appropriate type of company to register. Some useful notes on Work and Residence permits:
  1. Work permits (WP) are issued in the name of the specific company sponsoring the applicant, and it is not transferable between companies.
  2. WP issuance involves 2 stages:
    • The first stage is where the WP is issued in the form of a formal letter on Ghana Immigration Service official letterhead
    • In the next step, a residence permit (RP) sticker will be affixed to the applicant’s passport, serving as official documentation of their authorized residence in Ghana.
  3. The WP document is a requirement for commercial and/or residential rentals and/or purchases accommodation (for commercial or residential purposes) and accessing banking and financial services within the country.
  4. There are certain documents and personal information required from both the applicant and the sponsor of the application irrespective of the citizenship of the immigrant. These are:
From the Applicant:
    • Copy of contract of employment/appointment letter/offer letter
    • Copy of Biodata page of passport
    • Police criminal report from home country
    • Medical Report (obtained in Ghana from Immigration Service Clinic only)
    • Copies of Educational/training/professional certificates
    • Current CV
    • 2 recent passport sized pictures
    • A duly completed and signed residence permit application form
    • Non-citizenship ID card
From the Company/Sponsor/Employer:
    • A cover letter on the letterhead of company
    • Copies of company registration documents and certificate(s) of incorporation
    • Copy of License /Introductory/Attestation letter from the Sector’s regulatory or licensing body in the case of NGO, Government project, sensitive industry (mining, oil and gas, etc)
    • Valid Tax Clearance Certificate of company obtained for Immigration purposes only
    • Duly completed work permit form endorsed by the company.
All documents not in English must be translated to English before submission of application.
  1. The Fees may be paid in US Dollars or its equivalent in Ghana Cedis at the GIS prevailing official exchange rate. Apart from the main WP and RP which is $1000 for all other citizens and $647 for ECOWAS citizens, other costs include medical screening and non-citizenship ID card totaling $370.
  2. The average processing time is 6 weeks.
  3. Fees for the application can be paid in US Dollars or its equivalent in Ghana Cedis based on current official exchange rate.
    • Work Permit (WP) and Residence Permit (RP): $1000 for non-Ecowas citizens, and $647 for ECOWAS citizens.
    • Additional cost of $370 to cover medical screening and non-citizenship ID card.
  4. The average processing period for both work permit and residence permit is 6 weeks.
Immigration purposes and requirements:
    • Studies: Students and dependents (under 18-year-old) of work permit holders who intend to enroll in the school system may apply for a students’ permit before the expiration of their stay periods.
    • Marriage: dependents (spouses or children under 18 years of age or aged parents) of a work or residence permit holder may apply for a dependent permit. Required documents include;
      • proof of relationship in the form of a marriage certificate in the case of a spouse, or birth certificates when filing for their children.
The processing time is approximately 3 weeks, and the permit’s duration is tied to the permit holder’s duration. Fees are GHS259 for ECOWAS citizens and GHS388 for non-ECOWAS citizens.
  • Tourist & Other purposes: tourists who intend to extend their stay beyond the initial duration, may apply for extensions for up to 5 months.
A migrant who requires a visa and plan to visit Ghana frequently but are unable to acquire one from their home country or the nearest Ghana embassy/consulate, may apply for a single or multiple re-entry visa in Ghana to facilitate their return. Note that, visa fees and duration for processing may differ depending on the specific circumstances. Migrants seeking to work in sensitive or high-value sectors such as oil and gas, mining, medicine, law, media/journalism, etc. are required to go undergo additional authorization processes to obtain the necessary permits to legally reside and work in Ghana. Contact below addresses(s) for details and for Immigration related services Directory of Ghana Immigration Service Headquarters Digital Address: GA-110-4188 Ahmadu Ahidjo Road, behind Coconut Grove Regency Hotel/adjacent to VAG Officers Mess North Ridge, Accra Tel: +233 302 224445/213401/221667 Email: Regional Commands & Sectors All services pertaining to migrants’ entry, residence and establishment in Ghana can be obtained from Ghana’s entry/exit ports managed by the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS), as well as from Immigration posts of the GIS dotted across all the districts in the country. A migrant in need of accessing immigration services may enquire about the location of the nearest GIS office from the District Assembly or the nearest Police Service or Fire Service Station.

2. Company registration

The Registrar General’s Department (RGD) is responsible for the registration of businesses in Ghana, for both citizens and non- citizens interested in registering their businesses.

Ghana’s laws [1] provide for the registration of company by individuals or a group of persons not exceeding 20. Such companies could carry out social, political economic or commercial activities.

Specifically, the Office of the Registrar of Companies (ORC) of the Registrar General’s Department (RGD) is responsible for the process of registering and controlling a company.

The ORC allows for the registration of sole proprietorship, partnerships and companies limited by guarantee -NGO/Associations; external company, limited liability by shares, unlimited liability, etc.

The law allows migrants to be partners as sole proprietorship is reserved for only Ghanaian citizens. However, migrants can register a fully foreign-owned business with the Registrar General’s Department (RG’s Dept), after which a migrant can register with the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC) to benefit from automatic quota and tax exemptions.

[1] [Registration of Business Names Act, 1962 (Act 151) and Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992)]

The below indicates the processes, requirements and fees for registering a company for foreigners.

  1. Registering a Limited liability Company (services):

Registering a fully foreign-owned (non-trading) business requires a minimum capital of $500,000.00 (in cash or equipment, or both).

To register a trading business as a migrant, you have to show evidence of a minimum capital of $1 million with not less than 20 skilled Ghanaian employees for such an enterprise.

A business has to register first before it completes its minimum capitalization requirements.  This is to enable the entity open a Bank account for receipts of its capital transferred from abroad. A confirmation of the cash component of the capital will be needed by the GIPC. The capital may come in the form of cash or in capital goods relevant to the venture or a combination of both.

The registration fee for a limited liability company is as follows:

  • Government fees: Stamp Duty – $5,000 (1% of $500,000.00) or 1% of the Stated capital.
  • Requirements: The application form would be completed with firm’s financial, employment and implementation projections. + Company registration certificates and documents.
  • Processing time is two weeks upon submission of registration documents to RG’s Dept.

 A migrant is permitted to form joint ventures with Ghanaian counterpart of which the Ghanaian should not have shares of less than 10% for a minimum stated capital of $200,000.00.

Beyond this there are industry/sector specific requirements in accordance with Local Content Regulations for some special or critical industries.

In addition to the above stated Government fees (Stamp duty), one may spend additional $1,000 or more in acquiring auditors’ letter, registration processing fees, and obtaining commissioner of oath’s attestation/endorsement on the completed registration documents to be submitted.

  1. Registering with the GIPC

Registering with GIPC enable a company to enjoy certain benefits and incentives for operating in Ghana.

  • Government fees -GIPC would review the firm’s objectives/principal business activities and categorize it before the appropriate fees is determined (for farming/AGRO processing, the fee is around between Ghc10,500 and Ghc21,000.00).

NB: These fees are periodically adjusted upwards by Government without advance notice.

  • Processing Time: Processing is within 14 days.

NB: Ghana’s GIPC Act. prohibits foreign investors (for that matter migrants) from participating in certain sectors of the economy. These include:

  1. the sale of goods or provision of services in a market, petty trading or hawking or selling of goods in a stall at any place;
  2. the operation of taxi or car hire service in an enterprise that has a fleet of less than twenty-five vehicles; c. the operation of a beauty salon or a barber shop;
  3. the printing of recharge scratch cards for the use of subscribers of telecommunication services;
  4. the production of exercise books and other basic stationery;
  5. the retail of finished pharmaceutical products;
  6. the production, supply and retail of sachet water; and
  7. all aspects of pool betting business and lotteries, except football pool.

Contacts details of Office of the Registrar of Companies of the RGD:

Regional offices:

Greater Accra Region
P. O. Box 118, Accra
Tel: +233 030-266-4691-3
Fax: +233 030-266-6081
Digital Address: GA-143-4647

Ashanti Region
Opposite Hotel Gandolfo Asafo PMB, Kumasi
Tel: +233 322 083 151 / 322 042 152

Western Region
P.O. Box 251 Ministries, Sekondi
Tel: +233 312 482 58
Fax: +233 312 48258
Digital Address: WS-001-7903

Northern Region
Tel: +233 372 023 715
Digital Address: NT-0066-0976

[1] Section 26 (1-3) of GIPC Act 2013, (Act 865) expatiates this.

[2] Ghana Investment Promotion Act, 2013 (Act 865) Section 27.1&2.

3. Health Services

Ghana’s healthcare delivery system is divided into Teaching Hospitals, Regional Hospitals, Municipal Hospitals, District Hospitals, Polyclinics, Health Centers, Community Health-based Planning and Services (CHPS) Compound.

Registered refugees in Ghana have a right to access healthcare through the National Health Insurance Scheme under the same conditions as citizens of Ghana.

Migrants can enroll under the National Health Insurance Scheme to receive services upon the payment of the applicable membership fees.

Migrants can also access healthcare services from public healthcare centers such as clinics, poly clinics, district hospitals, regional hospitals and teaching hospitals. There are also several specialized hospitals across the major urban centers in the country that are privately owned by CBOs/NGOs, churches and schools which migrants can access.

The National Health Insurance Scheme was introduced in 2003 to replace the cash-and carry healthcare system that made it difficult to access basic health in Ghana. The public healthcare system under the scheme is in 3 forms;

  • private mutual insurance schemes
  • private commercial insurance schemes
  • District Mutual Health Insurance Schemes (DMHIS). The DMHIS operates in every District of the country and thus is the most popular.

Only registered members can access the scheme under the following categories:

  • Registered Refugees aged 0-17 years have free membership processing/registration fee however they will have to pay an initial annual premium of GHS8 and subsequent annual renewal fee of GHS5.
  • Registered Refugees in the Informal Sector (non-SSNIT contributors) ages 18-69 years will pay processing/registration fee between GHS22 and GHS30 (depending on the location of the district and poverty index ranking of the community), initial annual premium of GHS8 and subsequent annual renewal fee of GHS5.
  • Registered Refugees working in the formal sector i.e., SSNIT Contributors ages 18-69 years also receive free membership processing/registration, an initial annual premium payment of GHS8 and subsequent annual renewal fee of GHS5.
  • Registered Refugees above 70 years: free membership processing/registration and premium
  • Pregnant refugee women – free membership processing/registration and premium.
  • Indigents Refugees – free membership processing/registration and premium.
  • Refugees with mental disorder – free membership processing/registration and premium.

A unique Membership number is generated during registration that number is linked to the member’s ‘Ghana Card’. This means that as at 2024, separate Health insurance cards are not issued to new members, the Ghana Card replaces the Health Insurance Card.

How to register for your health Insurance card:

  1. Visit the nearest NHIS office.
  2. At the Front desk you will be assisted by a Registration Officer and Client Attendant who will give you further details on the scheme.
  3. You will receive a payment form to make payment to commence registration.
  4. Make required payment at the accounts desk, where a receipt of payment will be issued.
  5. Proceed to the Data Entry Department with the receipt for Processing of your membership/registration number and linking of the number to your ‘Ghana card’.

Note that, the process takes a maximum of 15mins. First-time registration may also be done online using the NHIS App. Download App and follow the steps

Upon expiration of the card, visit the nearest office, renewals (and membership applications) can be done via a mobile short code (*929#).

It is advised to renew health insurance card within 3 months of expiry, failure to renew within this stipulated time, will mean a member would have a month’s waiting period after renewal.

Note that, there are numerous private hospitals, clinics and health specialists providing various services from the community level to the National level. Most private hospitals do not accept the National health insurance cars, and thus They fees for their services, location of these facilities plays a role in charges.

Where to register:
Every district has an office and satellite offices across the communities within the district.

NHIA Head office:
Digital Address: GA-029-3976
No. 36-6th Avenue,
Opposite AU Suite,
Ridge Residential Area, Accra.
Tel: +233 (0) 302 238136/ 233255/ 216970/ 241690

Useful contact details related to Healthcare in Ghana:

Ghana Health Service (GHS) HEADQUATERS
Head Office: Dodoo Lane, Osu, Accra.
Behind Accra High Court Complex or Opposite Tema Station, Osu, Accra
Postal Address: Ghana Health Service,
PMB, Ministries, Accra
Call + 233 302 682709 | + 233 302 687821

Ministry of Health
P. O. Box M 44
Sekou Toure Avenue
North Ridge
Adjacent National Health Insurance Head Office
Fax: +233 302 665651
Tel: +233 302 665651

4. Education in Ghana

Research on “unaccompanied child migrants” reveals that children with Ghanaian family ties are required to pay international fees at a point in their education, even if they spent most of their lives in Ghana. Other research shows that children with mixed parentage (one Ghanaian parent and one non-Ghanaian parent) are also charged international fees. The information below is meant to aid access to education for migrants and refugees by providing general information about the education system in Ghana. Ghana’s educational system is divided into basic community schools, Basic private schools, Government and Secondary schools, Nursing training colleges, Teacher training colleges, technical universities and mainstream universities. All children living in Ghana are required to have a basic school education. As such, public education in Ghana from Kindergarten to Junior High School is free for all children of school going age. All migrant children have a right to free public basic education in all parts of Ghana. Secondary School education is also free for all students. Parents can also educate their children in private schools that charge a fee per term. Post-basic and secondary education requires the payment for fees. Education services: Ghana Post Address GA-111-5469 Contact Us Tel: 030 297 7663 | 030 297 7667 | 030 297 7668 Ministry of Education K Block Ground Floor P. O. Box M45, Ministries – Accra, Ghana Phone: +233(0)302 683627 Email:

5. Vocational training, apprenticeship and job platforms

There are opportunities for migrants and refuges who are interested in learning a trade, acquiring practical experience in various fields or getting a job. The following agencies are recommended starting points:

Labour Department
Head office:
NTHC Building
Castle Junction, Black Stars Square, Osu-Accra
Tel: (+233) 302 686-528

Youth Employment Agency
Main Head Office,
Liberation Towers,
Castle Road, Ridge, Accra
Digital Address: GA-052-9469
Tel.: (+233)030 223 5023

Legal Aid Commission (LAC): LAC provides legal aid services including legal representation to people who cannot afford to pay a lawyer.

Contact details of LAC:
Head Office
Within the premises of Council for Law Reporting Building
Ministries Enclave, Liberia Road
Opposite Ministries Police Station
Digital Address: GA-110-0187
Accra, Ghana
Tel: +233 302 975749/ 666 869

LAC has regional and District offices across the country.

Ghana Bar Association (GBA):
The GBA provides free legal services through its members. Everyone living in Ghana can contact the GBA for assistance with free legal assistance

Digital Address: GA-053-3107
Hse No. 15, Haile Selassie Avenue,
Ridge, Accra
Tel: + 233 302 912977/910650

There are NGOs and CBOs also providing legal aid services in areas such as human rights, women’s rights, and children’s rights in Ghana across the country. Some are:

Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) Africa Office
Hse No. 158/2
Asylum Down, Accra
Tel: +233 302971170/258 652

Legal Resources Center
Hse No.9,
Colman Avenue, Dzorwulu, Accra
Tel: +233 203 799978 (WhatsApp)/+233 302766756

International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA-Ghana)
Hse No. 7,
Morocco Road, Madina-Estates, Accra
Tel: +233 207685685/0545089092

Centre for Public Interest law (CEPHIL)
Postal Address
P.O. BOX GP 17152, Accra-Ghana
Any Inquiries
(+233) 302 543580

7. Security and Emergency services

Migrants often rely on locals to connect them with emergency services due to lack of information on how to access them, or general disconnection from formal offices. Providing information on accessing emergency services is necessary, and migrants can report any challenges they face to the observatory for follow-up.
• National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO)
• Ghana Ambulance Service
• Ghana National Fire Service

Ghana Police
Ring Road East,
Cantonment, Ghana
+233 302 773906
+233 302 787373

+233 302 773906
+233 302 787373

8. International Organisations that offer various assistance Migrants

International organizations on migration supporting migrants:
The United Nations Organization (UNO) has a number of specialized agencies that are either devoted to migrants and refugees or whose works relate to the lives of migrants and refugees.

International Organisation for Migration (IOM Ghana)
The IOM is one of the agencies of the United Nations and it works to promote humane migration for the benefit of all. Some of the work of IOM aims to promote of international migration law, protection migrants’ rights, migration health and the gender dimension of migration.

In Ghana, the IOM supports the humanitarian needs of migrants, internally displaced persons, and the communities where migrants live.

IOM Ghana
Hse. No. 9,
Volta Street, Airport Residential Area,
Tel: +233 302742930

United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR):
The UNHCR is responsible for protecting and supporting refugees and asylum-seekers in Ghana. The organization provides humanitarian assistance, and legal protection for refugees. It works closely with the Ghana Refugee Board in coordinating, managing and providing support for refugees and asylum seekers in Ghana.

UNHCR Representative Office Ghana
Hse No. 16
Labone Drive, 4 Dade Walk, Labone, Accra
Tel: +41 227397232

International Labour Organisation (ILO)
ILO Ghana works to promote fair labor migration policies and protect the rights of migrant workers in Ghana. It supports the development of national labor migration policies, addresses issues related to labor exploitation, and provides capacity-building for the government and its social partners.

ILO Country Office for Ghana, Nigeria, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and ECOWAS Liaison Office
Plot 617,
Diplomatic Zone, Central Area District
Abuja, Nigeria
Tel: +234 809 599 5926
Ghana Contact: +233208159122

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
UNODC works to combat human trafficking and smuggling of migrants in Ghana. The organization provides technical assistance, supports legislative development, and promotes cooperation between countries to address these issues.

UNODC Country Office
United Nations Building,
Ring Road East,
Tel: (+233) 302215670

Or their Regional Office for West and Central Africa in Senegal as follows:
Immeuble Abbary,
Almadies Extension – Zone 10,
Villa 10 – BP 455, CP 18524,
Dakar, Senegal Tel: (+221) 33 859 9696 Fax: (+221) 33 859 9650. E

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
UNICEF addresses issues related to child migration, including the protection of unaccompanied and separated children, and works to prevent child trafficking and exploitation
UNICEF Country Office
Hse No. 4-8, Rangoon Close
Tel: +233 302 772524/773584/772527

UNICEF Field Office
NORRIP Building
Bolgatanga Road,
Tel: +233 372 027511

United Nations Development Programme
UNDP addresses the development dimensions of migration in Ghana, including the impact of migration on poverty reduction, human development, and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
UNDP Country Office
United Nations Development Programme
House No. 27 Ring Road East,
Near Fire Service Headquarters
Tel: +233 302 215670-83

Some International organisations and the government have agencies that work to facilitate the social participation of migrants and refugees in the society.
Contact the below Institutions
IOM Ghana
Hse. No. 9,
Volta Street, Airport Residential Area,
Tel: +233 302742930

UNHCR Representative Office Ghana
Hse No. 16
Labone Drive, 4 Dade Walk, Labone
Tel: +41 227397232

The Ghana Refugee Board
Ojeene Crescent Accra
P.O. Box 42 Ministries
Tel: +233 30 277 9409

9. Land/property acquisition and registration services

The following bodies are responsible for the administration, registration and associated services related to land:

The national Lands Commission, Regional Land Commission, Land Valuation Board, National Surveys Department, Regional Survey departments, Regional Land registration offices.
Lands Commission
Address: Cantonments
Phone: 0302 429760 / 0302 429762

Property acquisition support services:
State Housing Company:
Ghana post
GPS GA-174-0893
P. O. Box 2753,
Accra – Ghana

Ashanti Zone
P. O. Box 987, Kumas
0322 024 071
0322 022 228
0322 022 229

Northern Zone
P. O. Box 282, Tamale
0372 022 588
0372 022 576

Western Zone
P.O Box 5, Effia Kuma
0312 020 301
0312 023 375

Eastern Region
P. O. Box 426, Koforidua
0342 020 301

Upper East Region
P. O. Box 189, Bolga
0382 024 275

Volta Region
P. O. Box 115, Ho
03 362 448

10. Access to justice

The following institutions assist in the area of justice.

Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice:
Migration Desk at CHRAJ Headoffice:
Old Parliament House
Adjacent Supreme Court of Ghana
High Street-Accra
Tel: 0302662150
Email: /
Digital address: GA-184-6440

CHRAJ has regional Offices in all the 16 Regions in Ghana and over 109 District offices that migrants can access for assistance.

The Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative-Ghana
Dr. Stanley Marbell Plaza
Hse No. 158/2
Asylum Down-Accra
Tel: +233302971170

Other bodies to seek justice include:

  • Ministry of Justice and the Attorney General’s Department
  • Ghana Bar Association
  • Amnesty International Ghana Branch
  • Legal Aid Ghana
  • The National Federation of Female Lawyers
  • Domestic Violence and Victim Support Unit (DOVVSU)

Migrants may also contact private lawyers and legal practitioners to assist in accessing justice.

NGOs that provide support

Action Aid,
3rd Asoyi Lane, East Legon, Accra
P.O. Box AN 19083
+233 (0) 24 431 6392

Media enquiries
Jacqueline Parditey
T: +233 (0) 244316392

Emergency contact
Fina Agbenyegah
T: +233 (0) 244316392
M: +233(0)257957577

Regional Programme contacts:
Northern /North East/Savannah Regional Programme
P.O. Box 1057, Tamale
Northern Region
T: +233(0)556758485/556758491

Upper East Regional Programme
P.O. Box 60, Zebilla
Upper East Region
T: +233(0)243618793

Upper West Regional Programme
P.O.BOX 60, Wa
Upper West Region
T: +233(0)249524226

Bono /Ahafo/Bono East Regional Programmes
P.O. Box 2150, Sunyani
Brong Ahafo Region

Greater Accra/Volta/Oti Regional Programmes
P.O. BOX AN 19083,
Accra -North
Greater Accra Region
T: +233(0)244316392

Global Platform Ghana
Dorcas Adjeley Yobo
T: +233(0)244316392
3rd Asoyi Lane
East Legon, Accra
P. O. Box AN 19083
Accra – North

11. Counselling (psycho-social) services

There are number of independent counselling and mental health services providers in different healthcare centres. Mental health assistance can also be sort in the public hospitals. The following bodies are recommended.

Ghana Health Service
Dodoo Lane, Osu Accra
Behind Accra High Court Complex or
Opposite Tema Station, Osu Accra
Tel: +233 302 682709

Ghana National Psychologists Association
L49, Legon-Accra
Tel:+233 55 347 0086

12. Language translation and learning services

There are several licensed languages and translation services in Ghana. The language departments of higher education institutions offer language translation services. For affordable and certified language and translation services, the following agencies can be contacted.

Bureau of Ghana Languages
Old Brigade Street
Behind 37 Military Hospital
Near Community Youth Centre Kawukudi
P.O. Box GP 1852 Accra
Tel: +233 30 290 6762, +233 30 290 6761

Ghana Institute of languages
Barnes Road, Accra
Tel: +233 57 7734 441
+233 57 7734 444
WhatsApp: +233 57 7734 431

13. Accessing credit facility and banking services

Migrants are encouraged to register and acquire a Ghana Card for non-Ghanaians. This is a major requirement for all financial transactions in Ghana.

14. Accessing social welfare

The ministry of Gender, Children and Social Welfare provide support for children and those in need of state support for their upkeep.

Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Welfare
Accra Financial Center,
37 Independence Avenue,
Adjacent to the National Theater/Cedi House, Accra
P.O. BOX MBO 186,
Ministries, Accra – Ghana
Tel: (+233) 0302 688181 / 0302 688187 / 0302 688184
Fax: +233) 0302 688188 / 0302 688

15.Support for People Living with Disabilities

People Living with Disability can get support from the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Welfare Ghana Federation of the Disabled and district assemblies.

Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Welfare
Accra Financial Center,
37 Independence Avenue,
Adjacent to the National Theater/Cedi House, Accra
P.O. BOX MBO 186,
Ministries, Accra – Ghana
Tel: (+233) 0302 688181 / 0302 688187 / 0302 688184
Fax: +233) 0302 688188 / 0302 688

Ghana Federation of the Disabled
Barnes Road
P.O. Box AC 40, Accra
Tel: +233 2424 9079, +233 24 086 7200
WhatsApp: +233 24 086 7200

Gender sensitive support Services
For support that is related to gender-related issues, the following state agencies and civil society organizations can be of help. While the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Welfare is headquartered in Accra, it has offices across the various District Assemblies in the country.

Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Welfare
Accra Financial Center,
37 Independence Avenue,
Adjacent to the National Theater/Cedi House, Accra
P.O. BOX MBO 186,
Ministries, Accra – Ghana
Tel: (+233) 0302 688181 / 0302 688187 / 0302 688184
Fax: +233) 0302 688188 / 0302 688

Other relevant directories:
1. Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit (DOVVSU) of the Ghana Police Service

DOVVSU, Ghana Police Service Headquarters,
HELP LINE 0551000900
DOVVSU can be reached through the Ghana Police Service stations and posts across nationwide.

2. Some NGOs
Shishegu Residential Area,
Nyankpala Road
Sagnerigu District Assembly Junction.
Digital Address: NS-063-4709
Tel: +233 (0) 501503003
With Regional Office in Accra, and Zonal offices in Walewale and Karaga

Alliance for Africa Women’s Initiative
Head office:
House No. 6
Adjetey Street, Adenta, Accra
WhatsApp: +233243871816

The Pearl Save Haven
Head office:
House No. 58, George Bush Highway,
Mako House Building
Tel: +233247293648

16. Accessing public recreational facilities /activities

Individuals and groups can access public recreational facilities for themselves and their children by contacting the following state agencies

Department of Parks and Gardens
P.O. Box M169 Ministries Accra

17. Public libraries and publicly-funded learning activities

Libraries and public learning centers are generally open to all person in Ghana, irrespective of citizenship. Some important contacts for accessing public learning centres are:

Ghana Library Authority
Thorpe Road Accra
P.O. Box GP 663
Tel: +233 302 915 511
+233 596 658 353

18. Ghana institutions and structures outside the capital

Migrants residing outside Accra, can access a number of institutions that can serve as first points of calls for migrants and refugees in need of services and assistance.

These include

  • Immigrations services: Regional Immigration Offices
  • Healthcare: Regional police offices regional hospitals, Regional Education directorates, regional health directorates, Regional Ambulance services
  • Security: Regional police command, Regional Security Councils
    General administration: Regional administration.

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